Bachelor Thesis Open Access
Oßwald, Paul
{ "abstract": "<p>In the last years, efforts have been made to use various machine learning models in the multiclass classification of the tt+X events. Especially Graph Neural Networks (GNN) architectures have received attention, due to the data structure lending itself to the representation as a multi-relational graph. Naturally, when using a GNN to classify an event, it is of interest why it makes a particular prediction. GNNs however, due to the complex structure of graph data and black-box nature, are hard to interpret.</p>\n\n<p>This thesis focuses on examining a GNN trained for this classification task using the GNNExplainer method to better understand the underlying decisions taken by the GNN when using different tt+X events as input.</p>", "author": [ { "family": "O\u00dfwald, Paul" } ], "id": "22217", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2023, 11, 8 ] ] }, "language": "eng", "title": "Generating Explanations for Graph Neural Networks for tt+X events at the CMS Experiment", "type": "thesis" }