Master Thesis Open Access

Suitability Studies with an HV-CMOS Sensor for Continuous Use and Detection of Secondary Particle Tracks with a Beam Telescope during Ion Irradiation at a Medical Irradiation Facility

Klauda, Christina

Citation Style Language JSON Export

  "abstract": "<p>The HV-CMOS sensor technology is a new type of silicon sensors. Reduced cost compared to hybrid pixel sensors and reduced material budget with monolithic sensor design make this technology interesting for beam monitoring applications.<br>\nHere, the ATLASpix3-sensor has been investigated as possible beam monitor device for medical irradiation treatments.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Klauda, Christina"
  "id": "22111", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "language": "eng", 
  "title": "Suitability Studies with an HV-CMOS Sensor for Continuous Use and Detection of Secondary Particle Tracks with a Beam Telescope during Ion Irradiation at a Medical Irradiation Facility", 
  "type": "thesis"

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