Doctoral Dissertation Open Access

Global Interpretation of ττ Events in the Context of the Standard Model and Beyond

Gottmann, Artur

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    <subfield code="a">&lt;p&gt;The nature of interactions between elementary particles nowadays is successfully described by the Standard Model of particle physics (SM), with predictions covering a wide range of observed phenomena, including the existence of the Higgs boson, discovered by two independent experiments, ATLAS and CMS. Measurements of its properties are&amp;nbsp;compatible with the SM, however, there is strong belief to consider&amp;nbsp;it as part of an extended Higgs sector, motivating searches for additional heavy Higgs bosons.&lt;br&gt;
Until now, measurements of properties of the observed Higgs boson, and their interpretation in models beyond the Standard Model (BSM) in the framework of effective field theories,&amp;nbsp;are performed independently from searches for additional heavy Higgs bosons. The main topic of this thesis is to perform a unification of the two analysis approaches on the example of the H&amp;rarr;&amp;tau;&amp;tau; decay channel into one, consistent, global interpretation of&amp;nbsp;&amp;tau;&amp;tau; events, based on Run 2 CMS data at a centre of mass energy of 13 TeV and comprising 137 fb&lt;sup&gt;-1&lt;/sup&gt;.&lt;br&gt;
At first, a&amp;nbsp;measurement of signal strengths of the observed Higgs boson results in&amp;nbsp;an observed (expected) significance of&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;6.1 (5.0)&amp;sigma;&amp;nbsp;for gluon fusion and 1.9 (3.8)&amp;sigma;&amp;nbsp;for vector boson fusion production channels of the Higgs boson to ensure a good expected sensitivity to the observed&amp;nbsp;Higgs boson. Then, a classic search for additional heavy Higgs bosons is performed, superseeding the current CMS results based on data collected in 2016. In the last step, the two analyses are combined into a consistent interpretation of&amp;nbsp;&amp;tau;&amp;tau; events in the framework of BSM benchmark scenarios to demonstrate an increased sensitivity to&amp;nbsp;deviations in scenario predictions for the BSM Higgs boson to be compatible with the observed Higgs boson, leading to an increased exclusion power on BSM benchmark scenarios.&lt;/p&gt;</subfield>
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