Master Thesis Open Access

Measurement of the Ratio of inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Events with and without a high-pT Z Boson

Schillinger, Bettina

Dublin Core Export

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  <dc:creator>Schillinger, Bettina</dc:creator>
  <dc:description>In this thesis, the investigation of the cross section ratio of two established processes
occurring in proton-proton collisions is performed. This choice is motivated by the fact,
that the comparison of two separate measurements in the form of cross section ratios
promises to benefit from reduced uncertainties.
The first observable of interest is the inclusive dijet cross section. Dijet events are occurring
at high rates at the LHC, due to the abundant production of jets at hadron colliders.
Investigation of the dijet spectrum allows for tests of QCD, as the particles within the jets follow the laws of the strong nuclear force. Furthermore, these QCD events are
the background for many other physics searches, and consequently have to be precisely
understood in order to increase the accuracy of other measurements. Another advantage
of the dijet event topology is the fact that it covers a wide kinematic range.
The second process of choice is the inclusive Z+jet cross section. The Z boson has been
studied in various experiments and its properties are very well known. This process allows
for precise measurements, because it leaves a clear signal in the detector. Together with
the leading jet in the Z+jet event, this final state can be studied in an analogous manner
as the dijet final state.
  <dc:title>Measurement of the Ratio of inclusive Jet  Cross Sections in Events with and without a high-pT Z Boson</dc:title>

Cite as

Schillinger, Bettina. (2020, April 27). Measurement of the Ratio of inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Events with and without a high-pT Z Boson.
